132 College St. is a central ±4.4 Acre Property in Smithville, ON. The Property has been rezoned to allow for residential development. The site is relatively flat and contains a large open area at the rear of the property. There is a townhouse complex to the south and residential properties to the north and east. A brand new residential development is planned for the adjacent east parcel. Smithville is a community in the township of West Lincoln located on HWY 20, 10 minutes from the QEW, between Hamilton and Niagara Falls in the Niagara Region. Smithville is the governing centre, boasts the largest population and is the fastest growing area in the township of West Lincoln. The West Lincoln Community Centre, the largest in the township, is just to the west and Leisureplex Park is just to the south. Please contact Greg for the CA for access to the OneDrive Data Centre for more information including the Offer Template and submission details. Prospective purchasers are invited to submit Offers for 132 College St., Smithville, ON, L0R 2A0 on or before the Offer Expiry Date: April 15, 2021 @ 4:00 pm. Open house tour dates: Friday March 26 – 1 pm – 5 pm and Thursday April 08 – 10 am – 1 pm.